Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Crows pecking

Crows have been creating a lot of additional work over the last few weeks. They have been pecking on a few selected greens, tees and fairways on all of the 3 courses. This is very unusual and  worrying. It could be connected to increased populations of the leather jacket grub within the soil profile (these grubs turn into crane flys) or it could be a one off but I very much doubt that. All of the chemicals approved to kill of the grubs are no longer available so this may be a taste of what is to come?

Replacing faulty sprinklers

After 11 years of use, some of the gear driven sprinklers are needing replaced. We have had to replace 3 this years which isn't bad. In the good old days you were able to tweak the impact lever or tighten up the springs to keep the impact sprinklers going. It's a totally different story with the new gear driven sprinklers, once they go, they go, can't tweak things on those sprinklers.